Monday, July 2, 2007

iTs tHe LovE thAt MatTeRs !!!!

This is especially dedicated to all the people out there, who are afraid to express your true feelings to the person you love, just because of what others might think.

Life has never been one in which others make choices for you. We live life the way we want it, making sure that we go on the right path. Many of us continue to demand for the right of making our own decisions as we grow up. Unfortunately, the same demanding is not there while getting together with a person we love. While some of us continue, to listen to our hearts and choose the life they want, some of us decide to let go of the love they have, just for the sake of what some one might think or what someone might say.

In case of love, it does not matter what others think. All that matters is what you think. How you feel. If you love someone, you don’t need anyone’s approval to show him/her your true feelings. Countless number of boys have hidden their true feelings from the girl they love, not because he’s shy, or not because he doesn’t love her, but because his friends might disapprove. Relationships have been ruined. Friends have been separated.

I may not be an expert in the language of love, but from what I’ve seen, I believe that love doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to certain people. Fat or thin, short or tall, love remains the same always. Because you don’t love people for their appearance. You love people for the strong bonds that you share with them. You love them for the feelings you share with them. The “butterflies” you get in your stomach when you hear the name, the skipping of the heartbeat when you hear the voice and the understanding and trust. Its not the body we fall in love with, it’s the soul. Even the deaf and the dumb, the blind and the handicapped find soul mates. And the love that they share is the only reason that they are strong and willing to overcome all the obstacles that cross their paths. Life is never easy. But it never hurts to have with you the person you love.

Moving onto the society; we all attend weddings. Every day, two people unite together for a life time, and we are invited to celebrate with them, but how many of us actually even try to look for the love and compassion in the couple’s eyes? How many of us actually take the time to think of the reason they are together, instead of wondering, “God! Look at that! The girl’s taller than the guy” or “Why is she marrying a man double her size?” Yes, it may look bad to the eyes at times, but if we look at them and find the love between them, they don’t look so odd after all. In fact, they look like the perfect couple.

So, to all those who feel embarrassment in being frank to the person you love, remember that no one is perfect. Not you, not me, not anyone else. Why let go of true love, which cannot be found easily? Why live with pretence for the rest of your life? So tell them, tell them how you feel. Let them know that you are there. That you do care. That you want to be with them. Act like you, the one he/she fell in love with. Because in the end, it’s the love that matters, right?

by: NadhA ... the Grt

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